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New London Agenda Essays
NLA is London's built environment community; an independent, purpose-led organisation for everyone with an interest in London’s built environment. NLA’s programme and its family of brands and projects engages the broadest possible audience across government, business and the public to educate, challenge, connect and create positive change.
19 March 2024
London's Next 30-year Development Cycle
No city has a right to perpetual success. Baghdad, Athens, Rome and Istanbul attest to the impermanent nature of even centuries long metropolitan glory. In recent decades Mumbai, Milan, Moscow, Hong Kong and San Francisco have felt the shudder of a sudden loss of status. Despite a very long cycle of recent success, London could also decline if we fail to resolve its risks and address its imperatives.
1 February 2024
The New London Agenda
London finds itself at an extraordinary moment of time, as it emerges from a 30-year development cycle and enters a new one. With this comes the need to think differently about how London’s built environment community can contribute to and measure its value for the capital.
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